Would you like to give one hour per month (or more!?), and contribute to Downham Matters' efforts to make Downham greener and cleaner? Here's 5 ways to get involved:
1. Join the litter picks (2nd Saturday of the month 10.30am-midday)
2. Help organise and/or man the Downham Matter stall at local events (2-3 events between June and September in Downham)
3. Start a new corner garden - this entails taking the lead in selecting and adopting a small green space in Downham which may be currently neglected and turning it into a 'corner garden'. We can provide more details on this
4. Join a corner garden - this entails joining a group of volunteers who tend to existing corner gardens.
5. Any other skills you'd like to offer...? For example, from time to time we could do with someone to research or design accessible materials; or perhaps you're a social media whiz and could commit a 2-4 hours a month to help manage the Downham Matters channels?
If any of these are of interest, drop us an email downhammattersteam@gmail.com.
Most of these volunteering opportunities are managed through whats app groups. We'll ask you for a mobile phone and add you to the relevant group. Other projects in point 5 can be managed through email.
Many of our volunteers are parents and all our activity is child friendly.
Dogs are also welcome to the litter picks and work on the corner gardens.